In the ongoing effort to respond to the needs the of St. Mary Catholic School Community a reconciliation process has been developed. The process being implemented is modeled after the teaching's of Jesus, where in St. Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 18, v. 15-17, He speaks to this issue.
“If your brother sins [against you], go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so that everyfact may be established on the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church.”
Based on this teaching, the steps for reconciliation will be as follows.
Before presenting a concern or complaint to the larger community the individual(s) presenting the issue shall meet with the person who is the subject of the complaint and discuss the issue(s).
If the Complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the conference, the process will proceed to level one.
If the member of the school community is not satisfied with the outcome of the conference at the informal level, the person bringing the complaint, as well as the one to whom the complaint is addressed, shall present, in writing, to the principal, their understanding of the situation, within 5 working days from the initial meeting.
The principal, after reviewing the written statements, will meet together with the parties involved within 3 days after receiving the grievance to seek a solution.
When the outcome of the conference at level two does not accomplish a resolution, either party may request a conference with the St. Mary Catholic School Board, within 5 days following the meeting with the principal. The written request to meet with St. Mary Catholic School Board should be sent to:
St. Mary Catholic Advisory Board
2600 Bob Hall Road
Orange, Texas 77630
If an equitable solution is not achieved with the School Board the individual(s) may they may submit their written grievance to the Beaumont Diocesan Superintendent of Schools.
If the person(s) still feel justice has not been achieved the individual(s) may deliver their written grievance to the Bishop of the Beaumont of Diocese who will make the final judgment.