Even after the students arrived this August, more blessings continue to be added to the campus as we kick off the 100th year here at St. Mary. One of the most obvious new additions is the new technology that we have acquired through our GAPS Grant spending. Pictured above and often seen at drop-off and pickup are the digital signage, known as the Clear Digital EvoRolls. During our Early Release/Professional Development last Friday, our teachers and staff received training on our new Clear Touch Interactive Panels that will be literally rolling into each classroom for daily use this week. The staff, and especially the students, are excited about the new technology.
The technology is only a small part of the new additions that we are receiving from the GAPS grant. We have also received new desks and chairs in the classrooms, a new front desk in the foyer, a new set of globes that are up to date, new STEM and ELA curriculum, giant bean bags that will be used in the Club Room, new Chromebooks making us a 1:1 campus, new teacher desktops, new phones, and new chairs for assemblies and gatherings.
We also have strong support as always from all of the priests here in the Eastern Vicariate. Not only do we have a priest to say Mass every Tuesday and for Holy Days of Obligation, Fr. Antony came to bless the entire school, staff, and students. Many of our priests came to celebrate with us for Mary's Birthday and for the 5th Annual Gala. Also, Fr. Ross was able to donate an entire drum set and a piano keyboard that will be used in our music classroom this year. Special thanks to all of the priests for their continued support and true enthusiasm each time they step onto our campus. They serve as a reflection of Christ’s love and that of everyone in the community who continue to support the students of St. Mary Catholic School.